

"The school has been recognised for its effective careers guidance and support with a national award."

Ofsted, May 2019


Our approach to Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance

In accordance with the 2018 Department for Education Careers Strategy, STS places great importance on supporting and guiding all students in planning their educational and career pathways.  We want students to go as far as their talents will take them and to have a rewarding career.  Managed by Mrs Georgina Squires, Assistant Headteacher (Academic Standards), and led by Mrs Sarah Rooke, a full-time and professionally-qualified Careers Advisor and Leader, the careers programme at STS is designed to provide students with the education, information, advice and guidance they require in order to:

  • understand the range of opportunities available to them in today’s economy;
  • make accurate and timely decisions;
  • acquire the skills and qualifications they need to succeed in the workplaces of the future.

A planned progressive programme of activities supports our students throughout Years 7 to 13.  It provides guidance and gives students the confidence to choose pathways that suit their interests and abilities.  The programme’s aim is to raise aspirations and support students to achieve their full potential, but, importantly, it is there to help students pursue relevant and realistic goals for education, training and work and sustain employability throughout their working lives.

Our careers provision is built around the Gatsby Benchmarks, a framework of eight guidelines about what makes the best careers provision in schools. 

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of 'Good Career Guidance' are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

Through the programme, students will:

1. Develop themselves through careers, employability and enterprise education

  • Develop self-awareness and learn to appraise personal qualities and skills, roles and responsibilities, values and attitudes, needs and interests, and aptitudes which will enable them to better understand themselves, relate to others and make informed choices.
  • Learn self-determination and develop personal autonomy, self-efficacy and personal agency, essential to realise aspirations and manage careers.

2. Learn about careers and the world of work

  • Learn to self-improve as learners and foster positive attitudes to lifelong learning as well as learn the skills of planning, review and reflection.
  • Learn about a wide range of careers and the world of work.
  • Investigate jobs and labour market information (LMI), particularly in the local area.
  • Learn to value equality, diversity and inclusion within the British society.

 3. Develop career management, employability and enterprise skills

  • Learn how to make effective use of all the sources of careers help and support available, including one-to-one impartial and unbiased guidance.
  • Learn to show initiative and enterprise.
  • Gain the skills and experience that will enable them to gain jobs and sustain themselves in employment.
  • Know about managing their money to ensure their economic well-being now and in the future.
  • Be able to research and recognise suitable progression pathways and qualifications.  They need to know how to get information, clarify values and preferences, identify alternatives, weigh up influences and advice, solve problems, review decisions and make plans.
  • Learn to promote themselves in a way that attracts the attention of selectors and recruiters as well as learn to manage the applications process requiring them to develop a range of self-presentation and marketing skills (CV writing, interview skills) that they will need throughout their lives.
  • Develop resilience and coping mechanisms required throughout a career.

The stable and structured careers programme is delivered by individuals with the right skills and experience. All staff at STS contribute to the development of students through a planned series of events delivered through CAWS (Citizenship and Wider Studies), enrichment programmes, visits, trips, assemblies and special events as well as within individual departments and through form time.

STS also benefits greatly from its own professionally qualified impartial and unbiased Careers Advisor, Mrs Sarah Rooke, who is available five days a week for individual advice about options, future choices, UCAS planning and applications, CV workshops, interview preparation, apprenticeship applications, and any other guidance needed.  The door is always open to both students and parents for any advice or guidance they require.  Mrs Rooke is available at the Year 9 choosing GCSEs evening and at the Year 11 information evenings as well as the Year 13 university evening.  She is available by email and telephone for one to one conversations with parents and carers throughout the school week.

We are very fortunate to benefit from an extensive programme of outreach activities, designed by local universities to support students in broadening their horizons and raising their aspirations.  Activities include visits to universities, careers fairs, the UCAS Higher Education Fair, summer schools, taster days, subject-related events, careers workshops, career-specific talks and special events as well as access to resources to use within lessons.   Additionally we have strong links with local employers and parents who provide students with a wide variety of support including work placements, visits, talks, interview preparation, CV and personal statement assistance, careers fairs and work related learning events.  We also receive support from the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) and have an Enterprise Adviser to assist in developing a strategy and planning the school’s careers provision as well as establishing long lasting relationships with local employers. 

To plan and evaluate the effectiveness of the careers programme against the Gatsby Benchmarks, we utilise Compass+, a tool provided by the Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC). A Compass evaluation is carried out towards the end of each term by the careers leader, the next one due 1st July 2024.  We additionally obtain feedback from students, staff, parents, employers and Governors throughout the year which is discussed and evaluated by Mrs Rooke and Mrs Squires.

In line with the Provider Access Legislation (PAL) of January 2023, Sandwich Technology School School  provides at least six encounters with providers of technical education or apprenticeships for all students during school years 8-13, two mandatory encounters in years 8 or 9, two mandatory encounters in years 10 or 11 and two encounters in years 12 or 13  that are mandatory for the school to put on but optional for pupils to attend.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Rooke:

Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance by Year Group

Year 7

Transition into Year 7 - Following on from a transition day in the Summer Term of their Year 6 education, students will be supported during their move to Sandwich Technology School with advice on coping with the change, getting to know the new environment, students, teachers and classes.  Lots of information is given on where to go and who to ask for help.

‘More Than 1 Direction’ - Students are given the task of creating a fictional character. From a description of their imaginary student (including their background and interests) they will develop a progression route from GCSE, through to Further and Higher Education, using a range of literature and guidelines, eventually following their student through into a career of their choice.  At the end of the session, students will present their character's journey and explain decisions taken at various stages of their educational life.

“What is University?”  Students are introduced to the concept of university with an aim of raising expectations and broadening horizons by the University of Kent in an assembly talk. 

Year 8

University of  Creative Arts visit – This event enables students to become aware of creative industries and how creative skills are used in many industries, not just within art.  This allows students to understand more about their own skills and how they can be used in a variety of careers in the future.   Students also learn more about university and how they can access it.  This talk is followed up by an in-school activity in which students explore their own futures using the Careers Buzz Quiz which can be helpful to identify personality types and the skills and strengths they have.  They are then able to research careers suitable to these attributes.   

Students are also provided with an opportunity to learn about apprenticeships and/or technical education qualifications delivered by an approved provider.

Year 9

Preparation for GCSE options - Students are given several lessons to prepare them for the decisions they need to make in March of Year 9.  A GCSE Focus Week takes place in all departments allowing students to gain more information about subjects and course structures.  Information is provided to students and parents at an options presentation evening along with a booklet.  Students are supported throughout the process by subject teachers, form tutors and the Careers Adviser to ensure they understand and choose the correct options to study in Years 10 and 11.  Drop in sessions are available for more advice on choices and a parents' evening allows for information sharing and support.

Choosing GCSEs and looking at future educational pathways - Students participate in workshops from the University of Kent providing advice and guidance on how to choose their GCSEs and to increase their knowledge of post 16 and post 18 pathways as well as their knowledge and awareness of Higher Education and its potential benefits.  Students learn how their GCSE choices relate to post 16 education, Higher Education and future career opportunities

Students are also provided with an opportunity to learn about apprenticeships and/or technical education qualifications delivered by an approved provider.

Year 10

Post 16 options - Term 6 sees students receive introductory information on what their educational and training options are once they have completed their GCSEs.  Students are given presentations, advice and guidance from the STS Sixth Form, local colleges and apprenticeship providers.  This impartial focus allows for students to learn about all Post 16 routes available to them   They also gain an introduction to the Post 16 application process.  This day gives the students something to think about regarding their Post 16 options over the summer holidays and allows for them to research the grades they need to work for to achieve their aims.

Students are also provided with an opportunity to learn about apprenticeships and/or technical education qualifications delivered by an approved provider.

Year 11

Preparation for Post 16 progression - During Year 11 a tailor-made careers education programme helps students to make important decisions for the next stage of their education.   Dedicated lessons, assemblies and talks provide all the information needed to explore all options including sixth forms, colleges, training and apprenticeships.  Support is given to students in making their applications by subject teachers and tutors and students have a 1:1 careers interview with the school's Careers Advisor.  Students apply to Further Education electronically using KentChoices4u and by March students should have firm choices in place.  Offers are made according to interview performance and GCSE predicted grades.

Assembly talk given to students by the University of Kent to raise aspirations and enable them to understand how to access it and the requirements needed to qualify.  This helps students to also understand that university is an opportunity for every student in the school. 

Students are also provided with an opportunity to learn about apprenticeships and/or technical education qualifications delivered by an approved provider.

Pursuing an apprenticeship - The Careers Advisor is on hand to provide help and support for those wanting to pursue an apprenticeship.  Students interested in an apprenticeship should set up an account on these websites:

Find an apprenticeshipApprentice KentPreparation for employment - Students will learn how to write an effective CV and develop the skills required for a successful interview.A

Sixth Form

We offer a unique package of opportunities that will provide you with the qualifications and skills you need for the ever-changing world of work. A personalised package of expert support and guidance will help you to make the successful transition into young adulthood and Higher Education or employment.  A wealth of impartial and unbiased information, advice and guidance is given to students on a range of Post-18 options to ensure that they fully understand all their progression routes and the variety of paths into these.  Support is provided by the Sixth Form Leadership Team, tutors and subject teachers and all students receive as many 1:1 careers interviews as they require with the Careers Advisor.

Post-18 options - Students attend a two-day event - 'Future First' - held within school where they hear talks from visiting employers and universities about different industries and subjects.  Additionally, apprenticeship advisors speak as well as Gap Year advisors and inspirational talks from outside visitors.  There are also workshops on employability skills such as CV writing, interview skills and applying for jobs.

Higher Education - Students interested in Higher Education have the opportunity to partake in the 'Succeed' programme, delivered by the University of Kent”

  1. Year 12 students learn the information that they need about university to help them to decide if Higher Education is the right option, including looking at courses, considering the benefits of going to university and talking to current undergraduates about student life.
  2. Part 2 of the programme helps Year 12 students with all aspects of the UCAS application process. They search for course information online and receive help with completing the application form, including the personal statement. The module also covers the post-application period, considering visits to universities, offers and the clearing process.
  3. Year 13 students gain the skills necessary to move successfully into Higher Education, such as study skills and practical elements.  The module also contains an optional visit to one of the University of Kent's campuses, where students can put into practice some of the study skills they have learnt in the classroom.

Outreach - Talks and sessions are provided by Canterbury Christ Church University, the University of Kent and the University of the Creative Arts (UCA) according to students' needs and requests, covering all aspects of the application process including advice on choosing the right university and course, information evening for parents, student life, subject talks, student finance, personal statements, portfolio guidance, clearing and taster days.

Kent and Medway Higher Education Exhibition - Students attend this exhibition, where they have the opportunity to speak with ambassadors and educators from universities across the UK to find out more about courses and university life.

Higher Education evening - An opportunity for parents and their son or daughter to find out more about life after STS.  The Head of Sixth Form talks about the options available to students once they leave school and representatives from Kent University and Christ Church University talk about Higher Education.  Additionally, GAP360 and Frontier give advice on gap years and volunteering opportunities.

Advice and guidance - Advice and guidance is given on the interview process where appropriate and subject teachers will help with portfolio submissions where requested.

Results day - Staff will be at school on results day to congratulate students and help those who may need to use clearing to find alternative university places.

Students are also provided with an opportunity to learn about apprenticeships and/or technical education qualifications delivered by an approved provider.

Apprenticeships and training - Many students take an interest in varying levels of higher or degree level apprenticeships which lead to very successful careers.  Talks and events detailing these apprenticeships and routes into apprenticeships are provided by the Careers Advisor and by local employers and apprenticeship advisors with whom we have strong connections.  Apprentices from employers are available to provide information and guidance to those interested. Students interested in an apprenticeship should set up an account on these websites:

Find an apprenticeshipApprentice KentWork Experience - Work experience is completed by all Year 12 students.  With support, students are required to research and find a placement which relates to a future career idea or a subject they are studying.  They must apply for the role, attend the week and reflect on their placement afterwards to gain a meaningful experience of the workplace.  This is a great opportunity for students to solidify careers options for the future and gain experience within the world of work which can contribute to their personal statements and other applications and differentiate them from other candidates.

Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Scheme of Work

A link is provided below to the CEIAG Scheme of Work for all year groups:CEIAG Scheme of Work

Investor in Careers

SR Careers Award Logo




In 2018 Sandwich Technology School proudly achieved the full ‘Investor in Careers’ award.  We are now required to renew the award.

We are proud to announce that the students and staff of Sandwich Technology School are committed to the assessment for 'Investor in Careers' Award. 

The Quality in Careers Standard award is a kite mark for quality in Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) and is recognised nationally.  It is awarded to schools who have demonstrated a commitment to provide impartial, independent CEIAG to young people, to improve students’ awareness of opportunities, to raise their aspirations and to work with them to ensure they achieve their full potential.

Assessment is based on standards required by legislation or nationally produced guidelines on good practice, so we are not asked to do anything that is not already established as being of value to our students.  The Award has been written and revised by careers education and guidance professionals, teachers and senior managers in schools.

The Award is structured around four key elements relating to the management of CEIAG:

  • Commitment
  • Organisation
  • Delivery
  • Evaluation

For more information about the Award please visit Quality in Careers or please contact Mrs Sarah Rooke, who will be leading the assessment for the Quality in Careers Standard, on

Investor in Careers

Post 16 application information for Year 11 students

It’s your future and it's your choice:  you need to stay in education or training after you're 16, but how you do this is up to you. There are lots of options and you need to pick the one that will help you get the future that you want.

Students have received the following presentation, which explains all the options, subjects, course levels, entry requirements and application process.

The KCC website also explains these options:

Choices at 16 and beyondAll school and college applications are made using an online application system called UCAS Progress accessed through the KentChoices website.


The information below gives you a timeline for applying to schools, colleges and apprenticeships.

  • Each student will log on to the system in October with a username and password. During the Autumn Term, in dedicated tutor times, students will create a profile and apply for courses with the assistance of Tutors, Mrs Rooke (the Careers Advisor) and Mrs Squires (the Assistant Headteacher).  Students MUST apply for a first choice and second choice place, and the second choice must require lower entry grades than the first choice.
  • All Year 11 students will have an opportunity to meet one-to-one with the Careers Advisor during the year.
  • Students should look at the websites of schools and colleges to view course details and see when their information evenings are.  STS’s is in October, where we will be on hand to advise students and parents on the broader application process.
  • Those applying for STS’s Sixth Form, need to apply by Christmas as interviews are held in January.
  • In Terms 2 and 3 there will be rounds of dedicated lessons where students can do any additional research and apply for courses. Institutions will want to know predicted GCSE results and the mock exams will be the basis for this.
  • There are plenty of tools in the 'Useful Links' section of this webpage to help students with their own independent research, including the 'Start' careers quiz, where students can gain careers ideas if they are unsure as to what direction in which to go.
  • Interviews and more open events take place from January to March.
  • It is advisable for students interested in an apprenticeship to apply for an appropriate college course as an alternative educational route.
  • In March students have to go back online to check their applications and to place them in preference order (1st, 2nd and 3rd choice).

We advise students to use their own time to research and make applications, as well as the dedicated lessons and tutor times

Example of a Personal Statement

For parents and carers, please find information, advice and guidance to the post 16 process including webinars and useful links;                    Kent Choices Support for Young People and Parents

For parents, carers and students, please find a SEND Information Hub where you can find important information regarding applying for post 16 options and other information about education and employment;
SEND Information Hub

Course Level Guide

Post 16 courses are available at different levels.  Please see the table below for a description of the levels as well as information on the entry requirements for each level.  It is vital to know this information to ensure you apply for the right course.

Course and Apprenticeship Level Guide

Open Days

You can find details of college open days being held by local colleges in the Kent Choices link below. The aim of these is to:

  • discover more about the courses by accessing presentations by tutors and heads of department;
  • learn more about student life at college from the Student Experience Team;
  • find out about the support services available;
  • view the college sites.

You can sign up to these evenings prior to the date to gain access to the relevant information.  They run throughout the year so please check regularly for the next date: 

Kent Choices

Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information (LMI) describes the past and present condition of the workplace, as well as future projections. It makes clear where work opportunities are increasing or decreasing, what occupations exist, what you need to study for an occupation, what is required to take up an occupation, how one can find a job, change job or progress in a career. Labour market intelligence is the interpretation and presentation of LMI and, essentially, most careers information is labour market intelligence.

LMI Poster July 2020

The above is a Labour Market Information report for the South East, updated January 2019. Other sources for information include:


Kent LMI - Explore Kent and the projects and employers that are creating jobs.Kent LMI - Find out about key industries across Kent  

Data packs by districtEconomic forecast

United Kingdom

UK - Where the work is UK - Nomis statisticsSector forecasts
EU and GlobeTrendsReportsPay and conditions by job

Gain a basic understanding of the pay and conditions in different jobs using the Careerometer Widget. Simply type in the job you are interested in and find out about pay and projected workforce changes:



Advice for parents

As they make choices and plan for the future, young people need support from the people who know them best; their families.  However, this can be a challenging process for parents.  STS is always on hand to help you to guide your child with timely careers information events and parents' evenings.  Sarah Rooke, our Careers Advisor, is available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during the week and would be happy to hear from you:


As well as the information available in the 'Useful Links' section and the 'Post 16 application information' section, the following information sources may prove useful. These websites for parents contain a wealth of information on educational and career pathways and how to advise and support your son/daughter:Parental GuidanceUCAS Parent GuideApply to UniApprenticeship Parents' Pack

Talking Futures:  a parents’ and carers’ toolkit for career conversations





Employers, Alumni and Parent Careers Information

Are you a local employer, an alumni of the school or a current/former parent willing to offer your time and expertise to our students?  The value of employer engagement with our students cannot be underestimated. We are so proud of the local employers who work with our students to prepare them for the world of work from the Border Force to Pfizer to the NHS .

Through careers events, mock interview sessions, academic lectures, subject-led sessions and work experience opportunities, students have many opportunities to engage with employers.   We draw on the expertise of employers from a wide range of sectors: private, public and voluntary and our students benefit in so many ways.  Students develop an understanding of the workplace, of employer expectations, of the need and benefit of developing their transferable employability skills and most importantly of the breadth of opportunity available to them.  They grow in confidence and self-belief. They learn more about what employers have to offer: apprenticeships, internships, scholarship programmes, and so on. They develop a greater understanding of what they need to do in order to pursue their chosen career.

In return employers and their employees are able to  develop their own skills such as leadership, communication, teamwork and presentation skills as well as fostering a sense of pride and satisfaction.  Additionally volunteering will help improve your brand and reputation.  Lastly, not only will you be supporting your local community, you will be meeting your potential employees of the future who have a lot to offer!

We are always looking to grow our employer partnerships, to get involved please contact Mrs Rooke. 

Useful links

Welcome to the 'Useful links' section of the STS Careers page. Here you will find links to a variety of resources which are useful to students, teachers and parents in advising and supporting students in their career journeys. There are lots of interesting and exciting sites to research to explore a wide range of opportunities.

National Careers ServiceThe National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to inform decisions on learning, training and work. The site includes careers tools to (a) explore what careers are out there, (b) learn more about your skills, (c) find suitable courses and (d) gain advice on how to get the job you want. 

BBC BitesizeWhether you’re deciding what to study, taking your exams, planning a career, or just curious, BBC Bitesize explains the world of work, with advice from people who've found the right path for them. Find information about what jobs to do based on specific subjects, what jobs are available within a specific industry sector and a description of jobs and careers by alphabetical order. Lots of videos about real life jobs are included.icould Explore Watch some videos of people in their different jobs to find out more about different careers,  You can search by industry or subject to find careers which you can do based on your interests.  Find out about the job as well as the qualifications needed to get into the role.

Buzz Quiz 

Have no idea what you want to do? Then take the 5 minute Buzz Quiz, which examines your strengths and will suggest suitable job types based on your answers. icould also has over 1000 videos of real people talking about their careers – explaining their job role, career path and how different factors have shaped their choices. Videos can be filtered by job type or subject and cover a range of sectors and levels. Each video is matched with hard data – such as salary, qualifications and future employment – bringing together first-hand insight with practical next steps. You can also explore issues including GCSE options or university choices, exams and revision and finding and applying for jobs.


Start is a digital careers platform with the information, advice and tools to help you explore and plan for your future.   At the heart of the platform is the StartProfile where students can record evidence of their career development in one place.  They can research their interests, goals, strengths, skills, qualifications and experiences which are all collected in their StartProfile, helping to create that knock-out CV or prepare for future interviews.  This also helps students know more about themselves, and what they are good at and want in the future enabking them to ore accurately research their next steps. 

Graduate Prospects - What can I do with my degree?Explore careers listed by alphabetical order or by different job sectors. You can also search for jobs based on a specific subject or explore what jobs can be gained from different university degrees and career options which relate to your subject.

UCASUCAS has extensive information on all university courses available in the UK as well as everything relating to university and the application process, such as personal statements, finance, UCAS tariffs, etc. It also has information on alternative pathways to university and will help you to understand more about the options open to you after your A Levels.

What Uni?What Uni? is a great site where you can search for courses at all universities in the UK. It will suggest related courses and it can be narrowed down by tariff points and area. Find out all about the university, course modules and the entry requirements.

TheUniGuideUse TheUniGuide to find out the best university and course for you. The site includes an option to search for courses based on your A Level choices and predicted grades. 

UCAS ApprenticeshipsUse this UCAS link to find out more about the different levels of apprenticeships and how they work.

Find an apprenticeshipUse this Government site to search for available apprenticeships nationwide and locally. Find out more about the apprenticeship and the entry requirements plus apply online for the apprenticeship on the same site. You can also set up an account and get any appropriate apprenticeship advertisements emailed directly to you.

Apprentice KentUse this Apprentice Kent site to search for available apprenticeships in Kent. Find out more about the apprenticeship and the entry requirements plus apply online for the apprenticeship on the same site. You can also set up an account and get any appropriate apprenticeship advertisements emailed directly to you.

Rate My ApprenticeshipRate My Apprenticeship has information on apprenticeships, traineeships and employment opportunities and allows you to apply for roles directly on the site. Some great options if university is not for you!

Not Going to UniNot Going to Uni allows you to search nationally for some excellent higher level and degree apprenticeships as well as traineeships and employment. You can apply for them directly on the site.

I want to work in...

You may know the industry or subject area you would like to work in but be unsure as to the range of roles available. Click on an area or subject in the link to find out about the sector you're interested in and discover some of the jobs available.  See what role would suit you.

Do-itUse the Do-it site to find local opportunities to volunteer and help your community in many ways.

CV templatesThis site offers CV templates for wherever you are in your education or career. It includes a 'First Job' template which you can download and fill in easily.













Contact our Careers Advisor

Contact our Careers Advisor
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