
Title of the qualification achieved at the end of the course

GCSE Drama (OCR)

What will you learn/How will you be taught?

You will learn and develop a range of practical skills from acting, directing and choreographing to exploring the design options of costume, lighting, sound, set, properties and make-up. The course also allows students to express themselves with devising and creating their own theatre company. You will be required to complete a piece of written coursework showing how you developed your performance. A scripted unit allows students to communicate as an ensemble and develop a performance. The biggest unit of the course is a written examination focusing on a set text and writing a theatre review demonstrating your analytical and evaluative skills. You will be expected to watch live and pre-recorded theatre productions to gain the knowledge and skills required for the course.

Why study this subject?

Drama is a subject that will really help you to develop how you communicate. It brings an element of play, humour and laughter to those taking part, which can improve motivation and reduce stress. However, it does have a serious side too, allowing students to express a range of emotions and encouraging them to understand and deal with similar feelings they may be experiencing.

Improvisation helps you to trust your own ideas and abilities and helps you to gain confidence. By working with other students you will combine creative ideas and gain skills in discussions and feedback, allowing you to become a critical thinker. It improves your vocal projection, articulation, tone, pitch and expressions. It also develops listening and observation skills.

The theatre and film industry is a thriving place in which to work, whether your skills lie in acting, directing or design and it is one of the UK’s most popular industries. Jobs such as a director, drama therapist, lighting designer, theatre critic or script writer are just a few examples of where Drama might lead you.